Mens Philips Norelco Multipurpose Trimmer - मेन्स फिलिप्स नोरेल्को बहुउद्देशीय ट्रिमर

Mens Philips Norelco Multipurpose Trimmer - मेन्स फिलिप्स नोरेल्को बहुउद्देशीय ट्रिमर

If you are thinking of buying Mens Philips Norelco Multipurpose Trimmer you  are at right place, this Trimmer is designed for Multitasking usage such as you can trim your nose hair,ear hair and eyebrows hair with the help of this trimmer.

Mens Philips Norelco Multipurpose Trimmer - मेन्स फिलिप्स नोरेल्को बहुउद्देशीय ट्रिमर

Mens Philips Norelco Trimmers uses advanced trimming system that protect the blades from your skin to get hurt or it is skin friendly. Click the below link of this article to buy this Trimmer from amazon at Rs 1,200/-

Some of the specifications of Mens Philips Norelco Multipurpose Trimmer are

* Fully drip-dry for straightforward                   cleanup and care.
* Eyebrow guard for fast and even trims.         AA battery enclosed.
* Cutter dimension nose trimmer is zero.81     inch. one supercilium comb is zero.13           inch. range of length settings two}                   engineered to last with 2 year guarantee.
* It is washable means it can be used in           shower.
* It does not need oiling.
* it will never pull your hair.
* Mens Philips norelco Trimmer uses             advance protec tube technology to trim      your nose hair, eyebrows hair and ear hairs so gently that you will not get hurt because it is skin friendly Trimmer.
* This product also comes with cleaning           brush in it.

What is advance protec tube technology..??

Advanced ProtecTube technology permits the Nose trimmer 3300 to create economical and mild work of trimming unwanted nose, ear, and supercilium hair.
The Philips norelco mens trimmer's ultra-thin foil guard with rounded tips protects your skin from getting hurt or rashes, whereas the specifically designed cutters does not allow hair to get caught between cutting blades.
This product guarantees it'll trim nose and ear hair without any kind of pain.

To buy this product from amazon click the link below


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